Friday, April 3, 2009


Today was the day when I watched this MMS scandal that originated from my friends college. Well it was an MMS involving a girl and guy aftermath of their lust sessions ( as I would like to call it..!), and honestly it surprised me to see the girl being videotaped by her ‘then’ boyfriend which is now being made into an MMS and this spread around like a wild fire never to be ceased. And with clear cut facts the girl was being convinced by the guy to give him a blowjob.
With Indian standards and taboo following sex , lies and videotapes...i mean litrally , it got me wondering how the girl would face the wrath of the society? How is she going to walk around the college campus with her head held high when half the crowd in the college ‘got off’ on that clip? And how is she going to explain the ‘act’ to people in this already over exerting society where sex is still a hush-hush.?
I honestly thought that watching the clip was degrading thing to do..atleast from my side. I agree that more degraded act was from her ‘then’ boyfriend who passed around the clip to every known soul to him. But personally being a woman I pittied the girl in the video that resides in my cell phone. I could honestly hear every guy calling her a SLUT..!!
And I don’t even want to get started on what the girls had had their say in this topic..I guess its easy take pleasure in someones cause of misery.
I have never got around to think what exactly this word “slut” implicates, never actually understood what it meant.. Isnt the littral meaning of this word “slut” say “A promiscuous woman who likes excess of sex.?
It sure is the exact meaning but as far as the videotape was concerned the girl in it was not promiscuous or neither was into excess of sex ( I think) . The way I see it she was just having an intimate moment with her boyfriend at that instant of time.. I wonder what was wrong with it ?Or whats wrong with woman liking for sex.? I mean I have heard it munrous timesthat its against our Indian “culture” and the society doesn’t approve of it for the risks involved in it. But what with condoms and safe methods implemented which ward of STD’s.?
So there, sex becomes a individual decision and own personal choice. Anybody giving opinion against this is his own opinion which is not really going to make any difference. So coming back to the videotape,what I got to notice, repeatedly was, the girl being blamed for every act in which TWO individuals were involved. What about the man involved..why does he have toget get away with this? Wasn’t he supposed to have an equal part to play in the video? If I had it my way or knew either of them personally I would have atleast raised my voice against the men kind. The videotape,unfortunately, managed to reach the college authorites and higher end people who thought the tape was outrageous and ‘indecent’. They ended up rusticating both the guy and the girl involved and debarring them from college stating that they were a “bad influence”. And the last I heard was the tape being shown to the parents of the girl which according to them was horrifiying. Aftermath the girl moved away from the city and the guy headed back to Delhi from where he hailed.
Coming back to the main root of this problem : “the way society see it”.
Keeping the facts in mind, we know that youth of today are much more liberated and opinionated. And the population of three-fourth, that indulges in sexual acts are youths aged between 14 -20 year olds. Youth of today know that there is nothing here that is stopping them and boldly “sleep around” as it is said. But also there is this larger section of youth who aren’t as well informed on sex and we can probably blame it on lack of awareness and conservative thoughts of older generation. The much needed sexual education lacks that teenagers look forward to is made ‘unnecessary’ subject in schools and colleges. What the older generation needs to understand and do is arm their kids and the future generation with better knowledge and know-hows. Sex is spiritual and emotional and should be thought from home itself. We cannot turn a blind eye and deaf ears to the fact that gen-x teens are sexually active and will indulge in it for loads of factors that drive them to it. And the even worst part of it, some families inculcate that sex is bad and evil when hypocrisy breaks through in the form of pleasure in their own bedrooms. And if you want your child raised in the right way then communication is the key. I would urge parents to talk to their kids and connect with them. Listen and be supportive to them when they are in any problem or are in any kind of doubts. After all teenagers life is a little stressful and challenging. You could breakthrough that notion and make teenage the best part of their life. And as a parent you are the best to understand what your child wants.
As of where the society is concerned they should act a little more responsibly and reason out some doubts in their own minds. They have to understand that its not the girl who has to be blamed for all the time. Men are considered promiscuous throughout ages and its perfectly okay for a man to stray out of his boundaries. And woman are condemned for eternity for the same? Is that the value and tradition we re so proud of.? What with woman being liberated in this day and age where she can earn a livelihood and manage a home as well. Woman today have their own rights and own demands. I think the society should invest its time on better cause like eradicating dowry and helping rape and sexual harassment victims. Or we should call ourselves hypocrites as we worship goddess in the form of woman. We call our country our “mother” land and still we inflict evils on the fairer sex. We maim and torture them and take away their choice of life and their decision with life and marriage. Ah.! With all the gender bias in the country education an awareness on woman’s rights and her choice for sex and relationship is so needed.
And as for the word ’slut’ its highly inappropriate for any woman to be tagged that just because she likes her sexuality and is ready to flaunt it. Where man and woman stand on the same platform with same amount of capabilities and skills , a man can also be called a slut. I guess we re so used to the fact that men are designed to be promiscous and think that way.
This is a very interesting fact I came across that men, think about sex every 15 seconds..!
I mean this fact shocked me and got me disgusted as well that if woman possessed that amount of sexuality she is turned around and called as a ”slut” where in we have men who are standard sluts themselves. There is still so much restrictions that hold woman back that any signs of affliction imposed on her by a man is stated as her “upper hand” in this matter which is degrading and biasing.
By this I don’t mean any offence to the men section. Personally I know men who are okay with woman being a liberated self and respect their decisions. But sadly there is a large part of the men community who degrade and suppress woman in many different and numerous ways. And we are the individuals and WE constitute the society in making. So for the change to set in we need to change ourselves and be more considerate towards woman in this already over contemplated society.
And going back to the sex , lies and videotapes somethings are better kept in the bed room and only there. We should stop misusing that intimate moment u shared and stop degrading womankind with their weakness. And also woman should be a little more careful with use of videotapes in bedroom . I mean honestly you don’t need anybody to videotape you when u have a feeling of a lifetime pleasure…that is considered as an emotional journey for a woman., do you?


Mayur sand said...

rush_me i guess i know where this came from & this seems to be extension our conversation in banglore. I agree that men think of sex every moment & any women doing the same are seen as "bad influence" but look at the support feminist community provides to women (victim according to you), it dosent exist.I am all for liberated girls thinking of sex every 15 sec

Sushant said...

wow women s got amazing legs :P
and well as far as the emancipation of women is concerned , chill girls its going on slow n steady. Change doesn't come overnight and if you wanna see the progress being made just compare the situation today and a decade back.

PS: Mail me the MMS :P

badam polo said...

@ the previous comment...
i dont think a decade bck such kind of situation wud have come have alwys been the hungry wolf....but atleast the communication medium wasnt this strong....u talk abt the situation gting btr in future..i think its gonna be all the more worst....only bcoz women tody r tryin to adjust wid evrthn...

Anonymous said...


Though I don't agree to any of the above comments in their entirety, I must say you have reasonable clarity and a sense of justice in your thoughts (that's rare when such issues come forth)

Were I God, I would've hung that hero by his b**ls... If there was a slut in this story (and in any such mms for that matter - they are all the same more or less), it was the guy.

By the way, getting videotaped in itself looks like such a gross carelessness on part of the girl in question (the guy of course was a bastard)

If the girl was herself willing to get videotaped, it sounds like a scary thing to do before marriage, no matter how little I want to talk of societal sanctions.

In the end, it is simply about being respectful to your own self, beyond living the kind of life you choose to, lest you should provide easy pleasure to everyone at the expense of giving immense trouble to a very few (it's like a zero sum game)


PS: Help all of us, including this girl, by deleting that video :)

Sushant said...

@ previous two comments

My guess would be that you all are living in your own little dream world where you want everyone to act and feel like yourself.
Aint gonna happen brother. If at all you wanna change something , change yourself.
All major societies undergo this phase what we are witnessing currently, and ours is developing too. All these issues have deep rooted causes like imbalanced sex ratio, uneducated masses blah blah dont even get me started on this.

Anonymous said...

@ Sushant,

Your point that 'society needs to change' is obvious; enumerating the issues that plague us makes it more understandable.

But my argument was different, and its intent more singular. I am talking about individuals (we as indiduals are always more important than the society we together form, I've always felt, and so I did not discuss the 'societal sanction' bit at all, whether or not it is changing) whereas you are talking in terms like old society versus new society and age-old problems that exist..

I don't think what I said necessarily included or excluded what you are suggesting. I am dealing for these two guys alone; don't have a suggestion or remedy for the society in general.

Wonder if you got my point at all in the first place..


James Joseph said...

One thing that stands out loud and clear is the need for Indian society at large to come out of its ostrich posture (take the head out of the sand!) and realize the need for sex education in this age when old values that kept people in line are giving way to a set of new ones based materialism and instant gratification. Again, in these time of fast spreading HIV sex education is a must if not anything else but self preservation!!