Thursday, October 29, 2009

"I have no luck, I dont miss it all that much"

Mystery blues hit me hard,
Oh! I found my mirror in shards,
I look into the shards,
I try to unearth the truth,
and wonder If I am any purposeful.

Its yet another drag-a-day,
I wish some one would just sing a "say"
I don't believe the Fortune Teller,
She lies, and says "It may".

They say life is full of surprises,
I say life is unfair.
They say nothing remains same,
I say Life is a sordid game.
But I don't know who to blame..!

I hold all the threads together,
Trying not to let go.
My grip being more stronger,
Sweaty brows and I tug more harder.

My will is good,
but its damn hard to fit in.
Why are people always in waning mood?
The answers for which I need to dig in.

Is life stranger than fiction?
Is it like some kind of suction?
From which I emerge tired and drained,

I hope the heavens send in their rains,
With all answers in them..

1 comment:

DayDreamer said...

Beautiful poem..

Must commend you for your great writing..

Keep it up!!

I would surely follow your blog..looking forward to such wonderful posts..

Do visit mine and follow it if u like it..

Though am not sure its as good as yours..
