Saturday, October 31, 2009

Poulami and me..! Defining the world..! :-)

A discussion on my last post "where is the love?".

Poulami Mukherjee :
We are a part of the people you are referring are right about not being able to blame cant distinguish yourself from other.Can you claim that you have never bitched about anyone? No one can be all white...its human nature to be grey.If you don't have these are not of this world....and people will walk over you.So to match up to them you need to be just like them...

Rashmi Rao :
Thats exactly what I meant to say...!
We have lost our innocence...and our virtues. We re so driven behind materialistic things that, even that saying "Money cant buy everything" is'nt true anymore..!
We are shamelessly behind the whole materialistic world..

Its right...the world is heading to the dogs..!

Poulami Mukherjee:
The world is not heading to the dogs....we are the cash cows...and do you really think love would work if there is no money? I know most people would come up with moral stuff like.."Materialism is sin...and greed and stuff"....but just think practicaly..what would you do with all the love...all your friends and at the end no money? I mean how long do you think you will be able to survive?.A very Ghati but true dialouge :" Pyaar sey pet nahi bharta..!"

Rashmi Rao :
Honey, I wasnt saying that love is everything...! Even in this day and age that word has no meaning..! People just say it casually around like its some sort of fad..

And I agree that Love is not food of life..but I remember someone saying "When everything in this world has to culminate and terminate over love, why are we busy running around behind materialistic virtues"..
What a wonderful thought..! Dont you think..?

We humans are, for sure, funny creatures..!

Poulami Mukherjee :
I would agree to the last line. we 're funny for sure,funny because we are hypocrites. We do everythng ourselves but blame it on the entire human race And this disscussion is not going to us anywhere, because, easier said than done, this would neither change our thinking process nor the way we live.."I love you..!" is not an emotion anymore...I totaly agree about the fad thing. Also,I do it myself.So I cant blame anybody else for it.The emotions are slain...and its needs to be that way.Do u want to be hurt unnecessarily...whats the point of being all sweet...people will call u naive in the end..!
I get your point totally...but all I wanna say is....we are in an era,where people are driven by earthly desires, materialism and lust...and to change this,the world needs to end...start afresh..!

Rashmi Rao :
I so agree with you Polo..! Hope the 2012 does happen..! :-P


Freelancer said...

i can safely assume that you both are frigging mad

badam polo said...

hehehe...while entering into this convo i was totly aware that...the end conclusion would only call us both " mad"...but its still nice to enter into an intellectual subject of discussion..:D

DayDreamer said...

Haha Great Discussion...

Hey Rush_me!1

Thanks for stopping by and leaving such abeautiful comments..I could just read and read it..
Expect to hear more fro me..


Anonymous said...

that is some crazy talk!!

how fun!