I remember reading a play in my school days called 'A Christmas Carol written by Charles dickens.The story revolved around a man called Ebenezer Scrooge, who was a cold hearted and a shrewd man, who neither had any empathy nor the contempt for the poor as he often said "the world would would be better off without them." he also had a distaste in merriment the Christmas brought along, and doesnt agree on giving his clerk Bob Crattchit an early pay on Christmas eve. And at bedtime before the night of the Christmas dawn he is visited by the "ghost of the Christmas past" who is his ex bussiness partner Jacob Marley. So the ghost shows him the different phases of his life that is the past of Ebenezer Scrooge, the present and the yet-to-come future.
Ebenezer Scrooge after witnessing his own downfall for his neurotic behavior to Christmas and the misery put the entire family of his clerk Bob Crattchit does not go down well with his conscience. Henceforth he promises the Ghost of the Christmas past to change and live a new life with a better attitude. And he being thankful to the ghost of the Christmas past turns into a kinda hearted, and a generous man, enjoying his every Christmas from then on.
Well Scrooge had the chance to redeem and repent and rectify his mistake. I loved this tale and believed in it. But somehow in time, reality hits hard and you realise life is'nt all fair at all. What with the world changing so fast, just the wink of an eye and its gone. So I wonder with this world changing fast, life has shifted into a high gear and you don't really have the time to look back and ponder over the past. So where does the question of "rectifing" mistakes come from, when we 're constantly focused on our future.
So the past renderings lay forgotten. Not that its all bad, as time and tide wait for none. What I mean was, We re caught up with process of bounding forward we fail to realise something called Humility and Rationality. everybody wants to be a winner, everybody wants to make it to the top, and that too sooner the better. And for this some people resort to desperate and unfair means, even if it means compromising our own principles. I can give you tons of examples :
Politicians who do everything at the time of poll elections,
Casting couch scandal.
Reality Show and their revolutions and revelations of inside scoop of famous celebrities.
Paparazzi bitten shutter bugs.
Saintly preachings. and I could go on
Human beings are selfish. and sometimes I ask where is this going to take us? Will it be for a better tomorrow or are we heading to our destruction? How can god give everything to people who are not so good enough to receive it? How does this logic of Gods work, does he make everything seemingly available for someone who doesnt deserve it? When you see better things happening to bad people, how do you justify "what goes around comes around?" Just like Ebenezer Scrooge, who realised nothing god is gonna happen with his shrewd attitude.
Theres no one to give this answer is there? Or I guess maybe we should'nt be asking these questions as it is below us to question what life or god gives us. But somehow I would want to converse with god on this. But till then, tell me what to re-instate my faith in? In the blind divinity or diminishing rationality of human beings?
"Between the noise you hear, and the sounds you like,
Are we just sinking the ocean of faces?
It can't be possible... the rain can fall,
Only when it's over our heads.
The sun is shining everyday, but it's far away.
Over the world that's dead."
( One Republic with "all the right moves")
Considering that even the gods are in their own races to get to the top ......its rather better to find the best way to get to the top ...atleast den v cud control ppl below us
We all have the option scrooge had, his alter ego made him realize his self-defeating sense of happiness. What's God logic is a secondary matter. Why do you think the person who has got everything is living happily? It's possible that one who owns 30,000 crores cries in his heart every night but the man who earns 30 rs a day feeds his children and sleeps with content, all ambition all greed and all contentment lies within us as switches, sometimes external circumstances do come to us and ruffle our feathers in its wake, yet we are many a times responsible for the way we live, by being selfish, short-sighted and by being too self centered.
Success always comes to those who strive. Maybe those who seem less deserving are actually more so! And God or not, always have faith on yourself, for you can do ANYTHING! Absolutely!
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